How to build Misskey on CentOS (old)
CentOS Stream 8 での手順を公開しました。
Misskey v12.38.0 を CentOS 8 上に建てた時の記録
useradd hoge
passwd hoge
以下 hoge
セットアップのために SELinux を無効化する
sudo setenforce 0
sudo vi /etc/selinux/config
dnf のモジュール確認
sudo dnf update
dnf module list
Name Stream Profiles Summary
389-ds 1.4 389 Directory Server (base)
ant 1.10 [d] common [d] Java build tool
container-tools rhel8 [d][e] common [d] Common tools and dependencies for container runtimes
container-tools 1.0 common [d] Common tools and dependencies for container runtimes
freeradius 3.0 [d] server [d] High-performance and highly configurable free RADIUS server
gimp 2.8 [d] common [d], devel gimp module
go-toolset rhel8 [d] common [d] Go
httpd 2.4 [d] common [d], devel, minimal Apache HTTP Server
idm DL1 common [d], adtrust, client, dns, server The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Identity Management system module
idm client [d] common [d] RHEL IdM long term support client module
inkscape 0.92.3 [d] common [d] Vector-based drawing program using SVG
javapackages-runtime 201801 [d] common [d] Basic runtime utilities to support Java applications
jmc rhel8 common, core Java Mission Control is a profiling and diagnostics tool for the Hotspot JVM
libselinux-python 2.8 common Python 2 bindings for libselinux
llvm-toolset rhel8 [d] common [d] LLVM
mailman 2.1 [d] common [d] Electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists managing software
mariadb 10.3 [d] client, server [d], galera MariaDB Module
maven 3.5 [d] common [d] Java project management and project comprehension tool
mercurial 4.8 [d] common [d] Mercurial -- a distributed SCM
mod_auth_openidc 2.3 Apache module suporting OpenID Connect authentication
mysql 8.0 [d] client, server [d] MySQL Module
nginx 1.14 [d] common [d] nginx webserver
nginx 1.16 common nginx webserver
nodejs 10 [d] common [d], development, minimal, s2i Javascript runtime
nodejs 12 common, development, minimal, s2i Javascript runtime
parfait 0.5 common Parfait Module
perl 5.24 common [d], minimal Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl 5.26 [d] common [d], minimal Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl-App-cpanminus 1.7044 [d] common [d] Get, unpack, build and install CPAN modules
perl-DBD-MySQL 4.046 [d] common [d] A MySQL interface for Perl
perl-DBD-Pg 3.7 [d] common [d] A PostgreSQL interface for Perl
perl-DBD-SQLite 1.58 [d] common [d] SQLite DBI driver
perl-DBI 1.641 [d] common [d] A database access API for Perl
perl-FCGI 0.78 [d] common [d] FastCGI Perl bindings
perl-YAML 1.24 [d] common [d] Perl parser for YAML
php 7.2 [d] common [d], devel, minimal PHP scripting language
php 7.3 common, devel, minimal PHP scripting language
pki-core 10.6 PKI Core module for PKI 10.6 or later
pki-deps 10.6 PKI Dependencies module for PKI 10.6 or later
postgresql 9.6 client, server [d] PostgreSQL server and client module
postgresql 10 [d] client, server [d] PostgreSQL server and client module
postgresql 12 client, server PostgreSQL server and client module
python27 2.7 [d] common [d] Python programming language, version 2.7
python36 3.6 [d][e] common [d], build Python programming language, version 3.6
redis 5 [d] common [d] Redis persistent key-value database
rhn-tools 1.0 [d] common [d] Red Hat Satellite 5 tools for RHEL
ruby 2.5 [d] common [d] An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
ruby 2.6 common An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
rust-toolset rhel8 [d] common [d] Rust
satellite-5-client 1.0 [d][e] common [d], gui Red Hat Satellite 5 client packages
scala 2.10 [d] common [d] A hybrid functional/object-oriented language for the JVM
squid 4 [d] common [d] Squid - Optimising Web Delivery
subversion 1.10 [d] common [d], server Apache Subversion
swig 3.0 [d] common [d], complete Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages
varnish 6 [d] common [d] Varnish HTTP cache
virt rhel [d][e] common [d] Virtualization module
Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled
dnf の自動アップデート設定
sudo dnf install dnf-automatic dnf-utils
sudo vi /etc/dnf/automatic.conf
apply_updates = yes
sudo systemctl enable dnf-automatic.timer
sudo systemctl start dnf-automatic.timer
swap の追加
free -m
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=**
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
sudo vi /etc/fstab
/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0
Node 及び npm のインストール
sudo dnf module enable nodejs:12
sudo dnf install nodejs npm
PostgreSQL のインストール
sudo dnf module enable postgresql:12
sudo dnf install postgresql
sudo dnf install postgresql-server
PostgreSQL の設定
sudo postgresql-setup initdb
sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo systemctl enable postgresql
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE bar OWNER foo;
postgres=# \q
Redis のインストール
sudo dnf install redis
sudo systemctl start redis
sudo systemctl enable redis
Nginx のインストール
sudo dnf module enable nginx:1.16
sudo dnf install nginx
sudo systemctl start nginx
sudo systemctl enable nginx
Yarn のインストール
curl --silent --location | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo
sudo dnf install yarn
Git のインストール
sudo dnf install git
Development Tools のインストール
sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
Misskey をクローン
git clone -b fugafuga
cd misskey
git checkout fugafuga
default.yml の設定
vi .config/default.yml
port: 3000 # A port that your Misskey server should listen.
host: localhost
port: 5432
db : bar
user: foo
pass: **
letsencrypt の設定
sudo mv certbot-auto /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto
sudo chown root /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto
sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto
sudo /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto --nginx
sudo crontab -e
0 0,12 * * * root python3 -c 'import random; import time; time.sleep(random.random() * 3600)' && /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto renew -q
Nginx の設定
sudo cp /home/misskey/misskey/docs/examples/misskey.nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/misskey.conf
sudo vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/misskey.conf
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
sudo nginx -t
sudo systemctl restart nginx
Misskey のビルド
sudo yarn install
sudo NODE_ENV=production yarn build
sudo yarn run init
Misskey の起動確認
sudo NODE_ENV=production yarn start
Misskey の起動
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/misskey.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable misskey
sudo systemctl start misskey
ServiceWorker の設定
sudo npm install web-push -g
sudo web-push generate-vapid-keys
SELinux の有効化及び設定
sudo vi /etc/selinux/config
sudo touch /.autorelabel
sudo reboot
sudo sealert -l "*"
sudo setenforce 1
sudo vi /etc/selinux/config
sudo reboot